Thursday, August 21, 2008

Praise the Lord

Today for the first time in a while, i found my camera. Curious as to what was still on there, i started to flip through the pictures. The first few were videos from the 4th of July ( i don't empty my camera often) then some randoms of me, the sky, a conference i went to recently, and OH YEAH! Desperation pics!!! i was so ecstatic to stumble upon these, i almost dropped my camera! i started to think about Desperation again, and how it seems like it's been such a long time since the conference. Sad that it is over, i starting thinking about my life...and boy, I've changed a lot! I'm so proud that i have stuck, and am living the Desperation Vow! GOD has taught me to persevere through hard times, and love people no matter what, and that I'm a leader....and a thousand other things just in the last month! I'm excited about what the Lord has done in my life, i have noticed my change in attitude, well mostly, and my hunger, longing, and desire for the Lord. All i talk about anymore is GOD, which i love, because i love to think about my saviour! i pray daily that others can experience this love that i feel for Him...anyway...this all relates back to my pictures and remembering good times, but also remembering that we live day to day, and that the past is past, and we need to start every day with the thought..." I want to know Christ TODAY"

Mark 12: 30-31


Monday, August 11, 2008

It doesn't seem that bad...

Church is making me think more and more about GOD, me, friends...and those people who put on the 'christian face' for an hour then go home and piss their lives away. Lately I've been feeling things about my church of almost 10 years that I'd never felt before. It doesn't feel like home, I'm disgusted with the stuff that goes on, saddened that there's only 5 of the original 'core' kids that were there from the beginning, among other things. Feeling this way, and thinking this way about my church makes me wonder if GOD is asking me to move on...maybe I've done everything I am capable of doing in my church. Then GOD presented a blessing, a huge blessing, something I've been waiting for. An opportunity to start over and do something completely different...again. So, GOD has laid on my heart to go to the new Rio Rancho campus. I'm really excited and i can't wait to see what GOD is going to do through all of us at Rio Rancho. This is my chance to be a part of GOD's huge plan! praise the Lord!