it feels good to be back in Him--though i know He never left--i don't feel so depressed all the time, and my parents have finally stopped asking me if i was.
i'm feeling more alive now, more like me...well not me more like...GOD in me?
change often feels so wrong, but when the change is with GOD, if more often feels right.
i like being able to love again, the hatred building in me was draining me and making it too strong for me to handle.
i never knew how many true friends i have, well two is a lot...i think, i can't think of many people who have two as good as mine.
thanks bunches, you know who you are...maybe
school doesn't seem such a bore any longer, i mean, i'm getting all into it,
but it's not as hard for me to keep focus,
new years bring new things into play, and grades are important to me again
and you know what else is important?
my health
i'm finally starting to see that i must take care of this youthful body...
i know i'll regret it later if i don't
i don't want 'rock hard abs'
i just what to be healthy and fit
i gotta stretch those old running muscles
i want to feel in control again
i like new years, they bring about a change in me...sometimes for the better