Thursday, November 1, 2007


today...the after-halloween-candy-binge-eating-trip happened...i have to say it was a bad sorta trip, becuase i failed 2 tests in psychology, and the other in chemistry. also...i had an interesante (that's spanish for interesting) revelation today...i probably should have seen this sooner, but i'm always a little behind in the times...those who know me know this is fact. i've realized that all people...are very selfish beings who care for no one but themselves...yeah that's right...everyone...*guilty shifty eyes*
it's funny to think about how many thoughts a day we have of ourselves...because i certainly had a lot of thought about myself today...and you know what? people who act like they care but really don't drive me insane...there are so many people im my life that think of only themselves...and i think "gosh what a jerk" but am i really any different? i think not. today i talked to one of my friends and i said...'i had a good time trick-or-treating last night' and she was like..'' i proceeded to say a few highlights of my night, and then realized that she didn't care...obviously my story was boring, but i realized that i too tune people out, because i just don't care. Intersting how we have the smile that says "yeah im really interested in what you are saying" ....when you're not...i think i've finally realized how sick and tired i am of people lying...i guess if we could be honest and say..."dude...your story sux...get out of my face" the world would be a better place...but no, we have all these secrets and we put on this mask of perfection, and think people won't see through it...the thing is...people don't see through it, because we are so wraped up in our own lives...we don't care or see who's really hurting and is wearing a mask...and that's my rant...of course now after all that thinking...i'm in a total funk...oblivious to the world...hit me and i probably won't react...that could be entertaining...


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